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Build Podcast is a show about technology tools for design and development. Each episode, Sayanee will be creating a screencast that will take you through step-by-step in using one tool to build a litt... more
FAQs about Build Podcast:How many episodes does Build Podcast have?The podcast currently has 67 episodes available.
April 09, 2016067 SwiftSwift is a new programming language developed by Apple. In this episode, we will go through some of the basic language attributes such as var, let, control flow, optionals, closures and class....more0minPlay
March 06, 2016066 ES2015ES2015 is the next version of standardised JavaScript. In this episode, we will use Babel JS as the transpiler to code in ES2015. We will go through some features like const, let, map, set, array and string functions as well as promises. Refer to the book Exploring ES6 for an in-depth overview....more0minPlay
January 10, 2016065 AtomAtom is a hackable text editor. In this episode, we will go through the various settings, packages, themes and also create a super simple package....more0minPlay
December 14, 2014063 Socket IOSocket IO is a framework based on Web Sockets that enables real-time communication with duplex connection over TCP. In this episode, we will play with the technology Web Socket and learn how to emit and receive events from a server or client. Finally, we will explore Socket IO as a framework to detect emit, send, disconnect and broadcast events to multiple clients and server....more0minPlay
October 25, 2014062 MochaMocha is a JavaScript testing library for node and browser. In this episode we will learn how to use mocha with the assertion library chai and use it with hooks, asynchronous test, various reporters and options. Finally we will also learn how to do a stub, calculate test coverage and open up a standalone browser for testing!...more0minPlay
August 22, 2014061 DockerDocker is a platform for distributed apps. We will learn how to create isolated environment for apps based on docker. We will create 2 simple apps with nginx and nodejs with various docker commands and see how we can replicate that exact environment....more0minPlay
July 27, 2014060 GulpGulp is a streaming build system. In this episode we will go through the basics of installing gulp with a few tasks as well as watching the tasks while we develop....more0minPlay
June 14, 2014059 Git FlowGit Flow is a git branch model. In this episode, we will create a git repository and then add the git flow branching model to it. We will also explore how to start a feature, hotfix of a release with the command line or SourceTree App. Finally, we will find out how to display the git commits in a graph....more0minPlay
April 19, 2014058 RSpecRSpec is a testing tool for ruby programming language. In this episode, we will explore some common features of testing ushc as matchers, hooks, factories for initialising data and stubs....more0minPlay
FAQs about Build Podcast:How many episodes does Build Podcast have?The podcast currently has 67 episodes available.