Inspired by Gretchen Rubin's "The Four Tendencies" we take a deeper look into Tendency Types. Gretchen's work looks into how you respond to expectations. Whilst not absolute, people tend to fall into one of the following tendency types:
Upholders want to know what should be done (6:46)
Questioners want justifications (17:25)
Obligers need accountability (26:30)
Rebels need the freedom to do something in their own way (34:25)
We look at how these different tendency types present for children, and how it challenges us as Parents and Carers, helping you identify your families tendency type, and giving some tips on how to approach some difficult conversations.
As we describe each type we also look at the sort of things to look out for in the world of work, what this means for you as a leader, and how you can identify team members and alter your approach.
If you want to take Gretchens Tendency Quiz to understand your tendency type you can click the link here.
Our Leadership Essentials:
How you can increase your own self-awareness of your response to expectationsHow you can check your own perspective, and consider how you approach othersTake the opportunity to ask more questions, rather than make statements.For more information you can visit