Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Building Emotional Intelligence in Kids: Insights from Police Academy Director Sonta Wilburn

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In this insightful episode, Bryce Hamilton, LSCSW, engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Sonta Wilburn, the director of a police academy in Kansas City, about the vital role of emotional intelligence (EQ) in raising children. They begin by exploring what emotional intelligence is and how both parents and children can identify their strengths and areas for growth. Drawing parallels between parenting and running a company, they discuss how EQ applies to parenting and the impact of differing emotional strengths between parents and their kids. Sonta shares her insights on how understanding these differences can strengthen family relationships, how a shift in perspective can lead to more effective parenting, and the ways in which emotional intelligence has personally transformed her outlook. The episode concludes with key takeaways for parents who want to foster emotional intelligence in their children, helping them build stronger connections and resilience.

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Resources on Emotional Intelligence:

How to raise emotionally intelligent kids

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