What is conscious leadership and what is at the core of the need to be right? These two topics go hand-in-hand and Carmell takes us through the steps of how we can change the division and separation that is happening on the planet.
She also gives us great insight on how to navigate the tides when we come up against conflict so we can truly lead and not inflict power over someone else.
About Carmell:
Master coach, Life Artist, speaker, and author, Carmell has worked with thousands over the past 15 years to influence transformation and behavioral change. Through her latest work and system, LifeArtist Leadership, Carmell is training and mentoring women as thought leaders, global change agents, influencers and entrepreneurs.
She is known for moving women forward quickly in their vision, and has the uncanny ability to bring them to a clarity on the deepest level of their being. Her core work is to raise consciousness at every level of women’s lives and leadership. Conscious women become conscious leaders who shift human behaviors in our families and communities, and throughout our cultures, economies, and politics across the globe.
A professional instigator, Carmell is a skilled storyteller, international speaker, world traveler, and leadership mentor. Her passion is for the study of and raising of consciousness, for critical inquiry and conflict resolution, and working with the paradox of power and control in human behavior.