Remote working has never been more popular but how do you manage it properly? Anne and Mark Lackey certainly know how. Their company HireSmart Virtual Assistants has been transforming the productivity of their clients for years, saving them up to 75% on their payroll costs and saving them the headache of finding the right VAs.
See some of Anne and Mark’s top tips below: ** 80% of the work you’re doing you probably shouldn’t be doing. Free yourself up! ** Too many people hire someone because they like them, rather than because they can actually do the job. ** Make your virtual assistants feel like they are ‘normal’ employees. You should measure their performance in the same way. ** Providing healthcare to your virtual assistants can be a game changer. It can make a massive difference. ** Consider adding an extra layer of vetting. Anne and Mark have a 40-hour certification process after they’ve selected their candidate. In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn: ** The 7 repetitive questions and how to avoid them ** How to integrate virtual assistants ** Should you use time-tracker software? ** How to use KPIs to manage virtual assistants ** How to save 50 - 75% on your payroll costs ** What you can and can’t give virtual assistants
Resources mentioned in this episode: ** If you’re a business coach, business adviser or would like to become one, go to:
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