Have you ever heard of a pop-up wedding? Listen in as Kathryn’s guest Naomi Korolew tells us about her company, The Pop Up Wedding Collective, and why she chose this unique approach to the wedding industry. Naomi is a Commonwealth Marriage Celebrant who’s authorized to conduct weddings anywhere in Australia or the Australian waters.
Naomi lived abroad and traveled the world with her high-profile in the oil industry for over a decade but decided that she wanted a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle. She returned home to Australia and launched a highly successful local wedding celebrant business, and with her vibrant personality and authentic, relaxed ceremonies, she was in high demand.
Listen as Naomi shares how she grew her business, how much time she spent on, and her formula for consistently finding her ideal client. Her business model is simple, give couples a premium wedding that they will remember but do it at a price they can forget and make it work around your lifestyle.
Naomi is a success story; her drive and commitment to her son are admirable. She lives to disrupt the wedding industry, and so far, she has accomplished her goal. If you need a boost with your business or need some inspiration, this is the episode for you.
In This Episode:
[01:39] Welcome to the show, Naomi!
[01:44] Naomi shares with us a little about her background and why she started her company in the wedding industry.
[05:38] Naomi did 52 weddings in her first year by her 3rd year she was doing 96.
[06:06] This career fits her lifestyle and allows her to spend time with her son.
[06:28] Naomi speaks about starting pop-up weddings for people who didn’t want to spend a tremendous amount of money but still have a beautiful wedding.
[08:22] How did you launch a business that had that level of success so quickly?
[11:27] Naomi chats about setting up a website and how she used social media to get her brand noticed.
[12:38] Naomi speaks about companies that failed, recognized why they did so, and doing it differently.
[14:45] Her next step is to sell her business model to other people who want to get into the pop-up wedding industry.
[15:14] Naomi says that if you can give people a fantastic wedding celebration at a reasonable price, people get excited and want what you offer.
[16:33] What gives you the most joy in the business right now?
[17:41] What are some mistakes that you made along the way? What have you learned?
[19:03] Naomi shares that hitting 52 weddings in her first year was a defining moment, and she knew the business was going to work.
[20:35] She speaks about her priorities and time with her son.
[22:29] Naomi chats about what she has planned for her company in the next five years.
[24:26] What is the legacy you want to leave?
[25:20] Thank you, Naomi, for being so generous with your time today!
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Kathryn Porritt
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To Find Naomi
Naomi Korolew
The Pop Up Wedding Collective