Audrey Stretch is a wise woman, world traveler, mother, grandmother, student of life, teacher, and true elder. Audrey has lived her life saying ‘Yes’ to adventure, following her intuition, and embracing the differences amongst people, cultures, and races.
As a self-proclaimed octogenarian (person living in their 80’s) Audrey left a small rural Alberta farming community in her early 20’s accompanying the love of her life (Allan Stretch) to foreign lands including Montreal, India, Jamaica, and Israel. She delivered her first child over 50 years ago, away from family and friends, in India, creating home through deep relationships and an expanded definition of family.
When she returned to Calgary, Alberta in the early 80’s she jumped into a career as a teacher’s assistance for troubled youth. Here she learned the importance of using your hands and body to process trauma spearheading an art program (that was before its time) to support youth in using creativity to heal.
Audrey reminds us that “our intuition is good”, encouraging us to see past our differences and prejudices reaching for our shared humanity. Echoing the wisdom that we all seek connection, and that true belonging starts with feeling at home in our own skin.
I have been blessed to know Audrey as Aunty A witnessing her world travels and learning from her well read, well observed, lens on life, love, and personal strength. Aunty A taught me at a young age “Not to ‘should’ on myself or let others ‘should on me’. I have taken this lesson into my life to form boundaries as well as share this reflection with numerous clients, who like all of us, hold a propensity to be a just wee bit hard on ourselves.
In this episode, Aunty A and I sit down to a cup of tea. Meeting for the first time since before the pandemic to muse, reflect, and connect. I feel blessed to have this wise woman in my life and grateful for this and all our conversation throughout the years.
Thank you, Aunty A, I love you. Your time, care, and sharing has made such a difference in my life and impacted the woman I am today.