Learn About the most popular business ideas for 2018.
If you talk to Peter Harris and Diogo Myrrha, they share the most popular business ideas.
To start off with, one of the most popular ideas right now that we've seen relates to software platforms that help companies with online reputation management, just like Podium.com does.
Some of the most popular business ideas from 2017 and 2018 that have come up with their own cryptocurrencies is high. Companies in the crypto space raise massive amounts of money, without much proof of concept.
The most popular business idea is to launch an ICO and then come up with a business idea later.
Artificial intelligence is another very common idea that investors and venture capitalists are seeing right now.
Right now there's also a lot of apps, so creating an app for "anything" or fill in the blank is a common idea.
Popular business ideas for college students currently are dating apps and parking lot apps.
Recently college students are creating apps to help students stay focused. You turn your phone off, and you get points for keeping your phone off.
Learn more about Peter and Digo here:
University Growth Fund: http://www.ugrowthfund.com/investment-portfolio/ Peter Harris: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterharris1/
Peak Ventures: http://peakventures.vc/#portfolio Diogo Myrrha: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diogomyrrha/