Have you ever thought about what it must have been like to hear God clearly call you or your relatives into some specific service or mission and then try to figure it all out on your own? If you’ve been called into ministry or if God’s been chasing after you to change the culture in your office to honor God with your work – then this week’s show was for you!
God Fulfills Promises Thru Many Generations
Sometimes I get hung up on trying to fulfill the entire promise of God through my own actions and fail to see God’s providence in my work. As we look at the patriarchs of the faith – we see a direct link to this struggle and how Rebekah & Jacob tried to work it out on their own.
Like Rebekah & Jacob – hearing a special call on their lives in certain areas – I often attempt to game the system & try to force God’s plan. In the story of Isaac – Rebekah – Esau & Jacob we see an entire family in tension between tradition & God’s will. Instead of just letting God work it out Rebekah & Jacob encouraged Esau to give up his own inheritance & deceived Isaac to grant the blessing of the inheritance to Jacob. While Esau was quick to satisfy his own desire for instant gratification (can you say drive through espresso?) he failed to see the future benefits of keeping his birthright. This birthright would have had him with a double inheritance of the 100-fold increase that his father received as a blessing.
How often do we reach out to satisfy the desire of NOW and sacrifice the long term benefits of selflessness? In the New Testament, Paul sees this temptation of instant gratification in direct conflict with what is best for the Body of Christ. Throughout his writings he continues to guide us toward the long term goals – steady plodding & self denial.
Meet Gary & Ashley Helms
Let’s not beat around the bush – they need your help!
During our show today we had a chance to get to know a little about Gary & Ashley Helms and their purpose of serving God in a new lifestyle as missionaries to London. Listen to this interview & be encouraged as they answer:
Why London?
What does it look like when you stop having to earn your salvation?
What do missionaries in London really do?
What does it feel like to live on the edge & out of your comfort zone
We would love for you to partner with them! If you are ready to do that – get more information here!
The post God Fulfills Promises Thru Us Not To Us appeared first on Business Integrity Matters.