Our guests for this week on Business Over Breakfast are Jillian Finkle, Project Manager of Grow Smart RI and Bob Rulli, Director-Office of Planning & Community Development at Town of Warren, RI.
Grow Smart RI provides statewide leadership for diverse public and private interests seeking sustainable and equitable economic growth. They promote said growth by advocating for compact development in revitalized urban, town, and village centers balanced with responsible stewardship of our region's natural assets.
Production of Business over Breakfast is by marketing & social media experts Lori Giuttari, CMO of Visual Thrive, and Ben Barber, Owner of 32One Media. Every Tuesday at 9 a.m., they discuss the thriving Rhode business marketplace with interviews of local small business owners.
Learn more about Grow Smart RI at: https://www.growsmartri.org
Support your local Rhode Island Businesses at Shop Local Rhode Island: https://shoplocalrhodeisland.com/
Visual Thrive: https://visualthrive.com/
32One Media - https://www.32one.media/