Idea Time Innovation with Dr. Jo North

Business Storytelling for Innovators, Facilitators & Change Makers

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This week’s episode provides innovators, facilitators and change makers with the tools and confidence to engage, inspire and move others to make progress, take action and get on board with new initiatives through the power of stories.

Business storytelling is a powerful communications tool for connecting with and moving people, and it’s a learnable skill.

It includes:

Why we are all wired to engage with stories, and how to apply that to the work environment.

How to use stories to support innovation, transformation and change.

How to use stories to make strong connections with teams, including when working remotely.

For more free innovation and facilitation resources, go to and fill your boots with lots of great stuff!

To find out more about my virtual facilitation, have a look at

To explore more content on how to get ideas flowing in online meetings, you might enjoy this article, too


I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you have. Please do let me know what you think in the comments.


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Idea Time Innovation with Dr. Jo NorthBy ideatime