In this content-packed live show, I dive into Horizon Scanning & Foresight for Innovators.
No crystal balls, prophecies or predicting the future, though!
Horizon scanning is about detecting weak signals of potential change before they make it big. It keeps you prepared, and gives you and your innovation strategy a competitive edge.
- What horizon scanning is, and why it’s important
The differences between foresight, forecasts and predictionWhat ‘weak signals’ are, and how to spot themEmerging trendsTips and approaches for horizon scanning in a fast-moving, information-dense worldHow to do horizon scanning with your teamData for horizon scanningA horizon scanning toolkit, including:- Seven Questions interview technique
The Delphi techniqueFutures WheelText Mining – using AI to scan through large sets of text data, spotting trends in news, social media, or academic publications.Cross-impact analysisScenario planningImportance / certainty matrixTransformation mapsIt really is a value-packed whopper of a show – ideal for you if you’re planning your innovation and business growth strategy. I also share how you can access my free horizon scanning toolkit.
As always, I'd love your comments and questions on my social channels!