Do you want to put a ding in the universe?
Steve Jobs did. And I think many of us want to, as well, in our own way.
It doesn’t have to be a huge ding. Lots of smaller dings add up.
As ding-making team members, innovators and leaders, we can all develop our innovation mindset to massively multiply the positive impact that we create.
We can learn to strengthen and maximise our unique, personal innovation thinking style by understanding it, and then by using approaches, tools and practice to help our minds work their magic in wise, brilliant and sometimes surprisingly cool ways.
The more we take our innovation brains for a spin and give them a great workout, the better, smarter and faster they’ll get at spotting interesting dots and connecting them to shape new opportunities.
We can learn to get better at hanging in there when ding-creation gets tough (it invariably does) because we recognise that there can be no great breakthroughs without having something to break through first.
Innovation mindset is at the origin of every successful – and unsuccessful – endeavour.
The ideas you and your business have, and how well you execute them, are what separate you from your competition. At the root of your innovation is the quality of your individual and collective thinking.
Mindset is a hugely important and, for me at least, endlessly fascinating aspect of innovation that is underexplored.
In this episode, I cover:
…What an innovation mindset is and why it’s important
…How to work out your own innovation thinking style preferences, and how they might affect the people you work with, and your own decision-making
…Practical, scientifically-proven and often fun and enjoyable ways that you can power up your own innovation mindset, and help your team to do the same.