Raising capital is very difficult. Very few select people have access to these individuals with money. Even with access, it is highly unlikely to obtain the funds you are seeking without giving up massive amounts of ownership. Now with the advent of ICOs, Initial Coin Offerings, people regardless of skin color, religion, creed or geographical location have the opportunity to raise capital without the sacrifice of ownership. Enter the ERC20 Token Contract and ICO.
You don’t even have to dig very far even in the developed world to see real struggle for raising capital. Consider Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Craig Sweeny of ShiftSavings at StartupMKE’s Emerge event exclaimed, “There’s a lot of good momentum from the startup perspective, but from the investment community, there are some real issues and we’ve struggled.” End quote. Rather than wait for VC funds to come around and deal with a company not based in silicon valley, companies in Milwaukee would benefit gre