We are back with footage from CppCon 2018, which occurred in Bellevue, Washington! In this special GoingNative episode, our host Steve Carroll chats with Gabriel Dos Reis and Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, who spoke this year about Concepts, an exciting new feature coming soon to C++! Overview of CppCon CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood of Bellevue and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts. CppCon website: https://cppcon.org/ Note: next year, CppCon will happen in Aurora, Colorado. Watch hundreds of hours of past CppCon content on their YouTube channel.