Our May 22nd episode will be another postseason public edition of Skulltalkers, our Q&A aftershow, covering the whole Wondersea season! Got a question for the end-of-season Skulltalkers? Send it to
[email protected] before May 20th! And we’ll be back with the first episode of the new season on June 5th.
In the meantime, we’ll be releasing a slew of between-season content on the Patreon, including art from Jess, Deleted Scenes, a full-season retrospective from Cohen, and the Level-Up to Level 4 episode! You can dive into all of it (including all of the above for Season 1, and too much other stuff to list here!) by becoming a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/Skulltenders.
P.S: That’s right, these ARE some of the same notes from under the previous episode! Well-spotted! You should turn that incredible talent for drawing connections towards sending us a question or two at
[email protected] before May 20th! See you then!