“So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.” (Luk 16:2)
We are all accountable to someone. We all have a boss, a board, a manager, or someone who has authority over us. There are no lone rangers in the kingdom of God. There is wisdom in community and in the application of accountability.
Spiritual accountability for practical reality makes a lot of common sense. Very few of us want to have accountability, and yet part of the wisdom in walking with God is surrounding ourselves with people who will hold us accountable.
God is into accountability. One day we will all stand before Him and give an account. Yes, if we are born-again, we will not be held responsible for our sin, yet we will be held accountable for what we have done with what we were given.
Quick Prayer: I am aware that I need to be accountable. Help me to be so. Amen.