Enoch walked with God, and he trusted in God and the Word of God…and that pleased God…we want to please God also.
So, how did Enoch please God?
First, he walked with God…to walk with someone means you are walking in the same direction, on the same path.
God said through His prophet Amos:
“How can two walk together unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
God will not walk with us if we are walking contrary to His Word!
Enoch walked his faith…meaning he walked in unison with the Word and the Heart of God…
Second, Enoch walked with God for over 350 years before God took him.
Enoch’s faith persevered; he didn’t grow weary in doing good.
Enoch had a consistent walk with God.
Third, Enoch was just, he knew what the right thing was to do, and he did it…even though he lived in a time when the earth was being corrupted.
So, for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin. (James 4:17)
Fourth, he submitted his life to following God, when Jesus told us to pick up our cross and follow Him…it requires a life fully summitted to Him for us do that.
Fifth, Enoch was obedient, whatever God placed on his heart to do…he did…we can imagine, that like Noah…he was mocked for his obedience.
So, if you want to please God, believe, walk in union with Him, practice righteousness, and submit your whole being to the Lord.
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