In Philippians 3:1-3, Paul exhorts believers to “rejoice in the Lord”. Joy is meant to be a fundamental part of believers’ lives - not a ‘bubbly emotion’, but ‘contented gratitude’ flowing from a settled confidence in Jesus. What a blessed state that is.
Paul follows up by warning believers to watch out for that which can rob us of our joy - legalism and those who promote it. Legalism is the opposite of the Gospel because it encourages us to trust in our religious performance rather than the finished work of Jesus. Joy is found by trusting in Jesus, not ourselves.
Finally, Paul singles out 3 Traits of Joyful Believers: Worshiping by the Spirit, Glorying in Christ Jesus, and Putting No Confidence in the Flesh.
The power and presence of the Holy Spirit in believers’ lives is what makes all the difference. It’s what makes it about a relationship with Jesus and not just a religious commitment. It begins with being born-again by the Spirit. Becoming spiritually alive, a new creation, enabled to know the Lord personally, and having our eyes opened to the Word - all of this is by the Spirit. Trying to live the Christian walk apart from the Spirit is joyless. Learning to be filled by the Spirit and led by the Spirit so we can walk by the Spirit brings joy. This is all part of worshiping by the Spirit.
Glorying in Jesus is simply being Jesus-Centered and Jesus-Focused in everything. Though it’s simple, it takes commitment, trust, and a determination to reject the joy-stealers of legalism and condemnation. Draw near to Jesus, keep pursuing Him, continue growing in your understanding of Who He is and you’ll find your heart glorying (boasting) in Him throughout the week.
Satan does not want you to have joy. If he can get you to put confidence in yourself - your abilities, your experience, your ‘wisdom’, your …, you’ll be robbed of joy. But if we learn to trust Jesus and the fact that His power is perfected in our weakness, then we experience great freedom. When I learn to put my trust in Jesus, and not my flesh, I am released from the idea that the Lord can only use me, or work through me, if I’m feeling spiritually strong or mature - or if I think I’ve been especially good lately. Putting no confidence in the flesh frees me to live for Him and serve Him through simple, dependent faith (trust). It’s no longer a matter of my ability, but His ability working in my availability. Such freedom. Such joy! Are you available?