Abby Salameh is smack dab in her element, once again. You see, Abby makes complex "simple," the unheard of "familiar," and the historically un-friendly your "best friend." Just a few months into her role as the Chief Marketing Officer at CAIS Group, and now with a fresh $225 million investment in the firm, she's well on her way to doing what she does best. The alternative investment product industry accounts for over $10 trillion in assets. But only $80 billion of that is with RIAs and retail wealth advisors. 65% of RIAs still allocate less than 10% of their portfolios to alts. Abby and CAIS are on a mission to democratize access to the alternative product space and elevate the confidence advisors have in using alternatives for their clients. She's the right person at the right time. Why? Because Abby truly understands the financial advisor and his/her business after 25 years of leadership at firms such as TD Ameritrade, Private Advisor Group, and Hightower. Importantly, she understands the advisor's client as well. You need to start there if you want a shot at measurably changing the landscape of this industry as it relates to an investment product. Listen to this 19th episode of Can You Hold My Attention? and learn more about how Abby and CAIS plan to drive up the level of understanding and awareness of alts, and how she'll make CAIS a household name and platform in the alternative investment space.
This podcast was recorded on 12/21/21, and is for discussion purposes only. The views and opinions expressed by the speakers herein solely reflect the views and opinions of such speakers and may differ materially from the views and opinions of CAIS, its affiliates and the broader financial industry. In addition, the views and opinions expressed by the speakers herein are as of the date recorded and are subject to change without notice. CAIS has no obligation to provide updates or changes. CAIS makes no representations or warranties with respect to the information contained herein, and this podcast should not be relied on as the basis for investment decision, or for any other purpose whatsoever. This presentation is not, and should not be construed as, an offer or solicitation to purchase any fund, product, security, or service. Any such offer may only be made pursuant to the delivery of formal offering documents. Please note, products and/or strategies mentioned in this podcast may be available on the CAIS Platform, and CAIS and/or its affiliates may be paid a fee for the sale of such products and/or strategies facilitated through the CAIS Platform. Furthermore, it should be noted that CAIS and/or its affiliates may be paid a higher fee for products, funds and/or strategies that have the investment objective addressed in this presentation, in relation to other funds and strategies. Past performance is not a guarantee or indication of future results.