We’re back in business in February, with General Well Servicing signing on as title sponsors! Thanks to Dennis and Mike for getting on board for what is already shaping up to be an exciting year!
On the drilling side, in January we had 4,689 operating days compared with 6,834 in January of 2020 for a decrease of 31% year over year. On the service side, operating hours in January were down only 6% over 2020 totals. For all the details, check out the RiggerTalk Industry Update (4:10).
And then we are joined by Royal Helium Ltd. President and CEO, Andrew Davidson, for a journey into the world of helium exploration and production (11:30). Mr. Davidson explains how helium is formed, and how CAODC members fit into the equation of this fascinating commodity market.
It’s been a cold month, but the sun is finally coming out and the snow is melting! Open up the windows, let some fresh air in, kick back, and enjoy this month’s episode! If you have any feedback or suggestions for guests, please email us at [email protected].