"So, 3 myths, 3 misconceptions, mistakes, and misunderstandings about money that mess us up. Here’s mistake #1: We live as though it’s ours. We’re like, I earned it, it’s mine. And I can do whatever I want with what is mine, right? And we, Jesus' followers, just tweak it a little. As long as I give God his cut, the rest is mine. God gets his 10%, or whatever, and the rest is mine.
But guys, here is the single biggest truth you need to know, whether you are a Jesus follower or not. This is the big one: if you get this, everything else will fall into place; if you don’t get this, doing life God’s way is going to be a struggle. Here it is: God owns it all. God owns it all. You see, that's where we screw up. We think it is ours when, in reality, God owns it all. You see, if it is my stuff, I can do what I want with it. If it is God’s stuff, then I am obligated to handle it in a way that respects him. We get really messed up here. I have watched some of you guys. If I were God, I wouldn’t trust you with any more of my stuff – because you live like it is yours. I watched it. If I were God, I wouldn’t trust myself with any more of his stuff – because I tend to treat it like it is mine, even though I know better."