"Guys, we have a God who is not a God of less than the best. He is not one to give us the minimum expectation. We have a God who is a God of excellence. And when He became man, it was nowhere near the least that God could do; it was His best. I said this last week, but God becoming man was accomplishing excellence in the same way He made mountains, beaches, and sunsets.
So, can we see why this is such a big deal to Him? Can you see why He’s so disappointed when our lives don’t worship Him? Can you see why He would not be pleased with something that we offer Him on a Sunday morning, but that we don’t even think about until the next Sunday morning?
We want to worship with excellence. We’re going to start this year by setting this as a goal: that we would be a people who take this opportunity to worship with excellence. But it isn’t something that can only happen for a few minutes on a Sunday morning. It’s not something that we can program. It’s not something that Steve can simply create.
As a church, we’ve got to take seriously our call to worship God with our lives — that we would worship God with excellence on Monday through Saturday, knowing and believing that if we would live with excellence, if we would worship with excellence, we think it’ll actually make your life better. We think it’ll give you a purpose, something to live for, something with meaning, something bigger than your life, something that you could be a part of that’s bigger than your small individual life.
If you worship Monday through Saturday, it would make your life better and you better at life." Ben Webb, Associate Minister