Over the past few weeks, I’ve listened to several people who are frustrated by the fact that they’re NOT in control! As I listened, I had to suppress a smile since I’m somewhat of a control freak - to say the VERY least! It drives me CRAZY when life reminds me that the twists and turns of life are beyond my control. Instead, the harsh reality is this - life can change on a dime and does more often than we like. When life HAPPENS, we’re usually shocked, dismayed, fearful, anxious, angry, and ticked off! We feel duped by life. But I’m sure you recall the old adage about the best laid plans of mice and men, right? Doesn’t make it any easier. But at least we can find a morsel of solace in the fact that we’re not alone. Life by its very nature is beyond our control! ARGHHHHHH!!! I like my elusion of control MUCH better!