Whether you’re seeking information about potential undergraduate or graduate programs, research fellowships, career options, referrals for the job hunt, growth opportunities where you are, or prospective clients strong networking skills are critical for success. Networking involves connecting with people and building developing relationships. Dr. Wendy Haines is a talented professional who has won prestigious awards in Pharmaceutical Industry and mentors young students and professionals to achieve success.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
How, where, and when to network.
How to develop relationship with yourself.Learn the significance of mentors influence.How to seek and develop relationship with a Mentor.Join professional organization; attend meetings and conferences to meet potential mentors.Sign up for publications to identify important people in your field.Ask professors and academic advisors see if they have recommendations in the field.Ask family and friends if they know someone in your field of interest that you could reach out to for an informational interview?How can you mentor others to help them achieve their success.