Wonder how to "Get your Happy On?" Regardless of life or business situation or circumstance, my guest is here to tell you, "YES! It's absolutely possible to Get Happy!" She's a sizzling dynamo! Join Motivation and Lifestyle Consultant, Happiness Expert, DEB SCOTT. Author of, "The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue" - Turn your upside-down world right-side up! Deb Scott herself has battled some of life's most challenging and threatening life situations. From battling depression, another's alcoholism to sexual abuse - she's not only skyrocketed HER Happiness Quotient - but she teaches thousands of people from all walks of life, from boomer to microwave generations to do the same! Learn how to transform anything bad into something you love. Hear the 5 surprising (and easy to learn) tactics to transform anyone's drab, ho-hum life into a sensation! And find out tips to springboarding your life into a happy joyful one today! Don't procrastinate - your happy is waiting!