Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3 of Career & Leadership Coaching Conversations with T&T.
We are absolutely delighted to share our latest episode with you; whereby we welcome Emma Menzies. Emma is a fertility coach and the owner of Ready Steady Coach. Fertility at work is such an important topic, and this is such an informative and valuable episode, so dive in!
Through Emma's work, she supports both individuals and organisations to navigate the world of fertility. Throughout this episode, Emma shares great tips and insights about fertility at work issues, explaining how you can juggle both a career and fertility treatment, and the benefits of sharing your fertility journey with your employer.
A great episode, not to be missed.
As always, this latest episode is filled with honest conversations, laughter, advice, and support; T&T thoroughly enjoyed recording this episode and welcoming Emma to the show. We hope you enjoy listening to it.
If you liked today's episode and would like to hear more, please subscribe and leave us a review - we would love to hear from you.
If you would like to find Emma online, please visit;
For more information about T&T; you can find / follow them here;
You can find Tamzin and UpHub Mastermind here;
Website; https://uphubmastermind.com/ Instagram; https://www.instagram.com/uphub_mastermind/
You can find out more about Tanya and Vida Coaching here;
Website; https://vidacoaching.co.uk/ Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/vidacoachinguk/ LinkedIn; https://www.linkedin.com/company/vida-coaching/