Helping your loved one manage their day to day activities is different for every caregiver. It varies because some caregivers live with the one they are caring for, some live near by and others live far away. And as you learned in the first part of caregiver school their are different caregiving journeys, some of you are caring for someone is just getting older, others their loved one has a disease or physical disability and some of you are caring for someone who is physically healthy but struggling with dementia. So the day to day challenges for each of these journeys can be very different.
Part Six of Caregiver School covers what you need to know to care for your loved one's day to day needs. We'll discuss some of the options available to you whether you are caring for your loved one in their own home, in your home or in a professional care facility. In this lesson we will focus on the challenges, services and options available for caring for someone at home.