Accidental Experts with Bryce Hamilton

Caring for Children with CTE and Concussions Pt. II With Dr. Lori

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Dr. Lori Boyajian-O’Neill, D.O., FAOASM, FACOFP, a concussion specialist, joins Bryce Hamilton, LCSW to address common myths and questions about concussions. Dr. Lori emphasizes how parents can help set boundaries for keeping their kids safe, especially on team sports. She lays out the differences between a concussion and CTE. Together they discuss how to help manage long term side effects of concussions, recurrent concussions, and what measures to take to help children who have experienced concussions or CTE. They discuss what long term symptoms and care will look like for these patients both physically and emotionally and how parents can help support their children through those challenges.

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Show notes

Dr. Lori A. Boyajian-O’Neill, D.O., FAOASM, FACOFP

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