We interrupt this podcast's regularly scheduled programming for a SPECIAL REPORT:
We've made a Krautrock Playlist.
The original idea was to have a "song draft": having dug deep enough into Krautrock, we would take turns claiming songs for ourselves. We figured this way we'd learn what each of us likes in particular, and what we like best.
What happened is we came up with a list of 44 songs -- FORTY-FOUR -- that generally holds together not just as a cohesive cross-section of the genre (with apologies to Popol Vuh), but also as one hell of a mix to queue up on Spotify.
Did we hit all the good stuff? Hell, no, and we know we have much more to learn and explore. But we made a good start.
Some stats, for those who are interested:
Song counts by artist: Can (7!), Kraftwerk (5), Neu! (5), Faust (4), Harmonia (4), La Düsseldorf (4), Amon Düül II (2), Cluster (2), Guru Guru (2), Moebius + Plank (2), Agitation Free (1), Amon Düül (1), Ash Ra Tempel (1), Brainticket (1), Holger Czukay (1), Tangerine Dream (1), Xhol Caravan (1).
Song counts by credited musicians: Klaus Dinger (11), Holger Czukay (10), Michael Rother (10), Dieter Moebius (8), Hans-Joachim Roedelius (6).