I have always been a dreamer. When I was a kid, I really believed that I could do anything. I was always setting my sights on the moon. I wanted to be an scientist, a actor, a musician , a founder of an influential brand… The list goes on!
I would never question how possible these dreams were, how realistic they were, whether one could juggle this many goals, let alone what anyone else would think of it!
If you want to see your dreams become reality, put it all on the line and chase after it with an unstoppable intensity. When people's lives are on the line they tend to succeed. Most of us give ourselves an easy option out, that's why we don't achieve what we want.
I want this child like faith to stay in my soul till the day I die. Because I know that if I stopped to worry about the chances of achieving any of my dreams, I would not be living the life of passion that I am so blessed to experience today. And I want to recapture this for anyone who is streaming this podcast.
Host: Rathan Kanike.
Mastering and mixing: Gravity & Co.
Production: Rathan Kanike