Facebook's been having a rough week. On October 4, 2021, there was a complete outage of all Facebook-owned systems, including Instagram and WhatsApp. The next day, a whistleblower testifies before congress about how Facebook prioritizes profits over public safety, implying that the company may have been complicit with the storming of the Capitol Building earlier in the year. Andrew (@liuandrewk) and Hong (@c0fpv) opine about the whole debacle and discuss whether this news is evening surprising in the first place...
ARM China splits from ARM UK: https://semianalysis.substack.com/p/the-semiconductor-heist-of-the-century
ProtonMail amends its policy after giving up data to the feds: https://www.wired.com/story/protonmail-amends-policy-after-giving-up-activists-data/
Prior research shows that Instagram is in fact unhealthy for adolescents: https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-knows-instagram-is-toxic-for-teen-girls-company-documents-show-11631620739
The whistleblower Frances Haugen testifies before congress: https://www.npr.org/2021/10/05/1043377310/facebook-whistleblower-frances-haugen-congress
Facebook engineering's official blog post on how the site-wide outage occurred: https://engineering.fb.com/2021/10/05/networking-traffic/outage-details/
Mark Zuckerberg's response to the whole debacle: https://www.facebook.com/4/posts/10113961365418581/?d=n
Casual Chat: https://twitter.com/TheCasualChat
Andrew: https://twitter.com/liuandrewk
Hong: https://twitter.com/c0fpv