This week we talk about Dante’s Divine Comedy, drop-bears, the middle finger, and snorting lines of Aurin dander! Oh, and we also talk about Wildstar, ArcheAge, and Marvel Heroes, but that was the boring stuff. Welcome to Casual Core Radio, where we talk about MMOs and where we stay up late to watch games launch (or more usually, crash over and over)!
MMO News
Runescape’s Evil Twin: Darkscape (completely F2P) – From a Press Release
CCR will finally be a little positive about ArcheAge.
TSW stealing Wildstar’s ideas now
Wildstar dev puzzle for hoverboards
Marvel Heroes’ Limbo event is up until Oct. 2nd
Screenshot from Drew
Bad News for Korean MMOs ASTA, Devilian, Kritika, possibly TERA!! NO word on NA, EU, or other regions.
Contracts in Chronicles of Elyria
Speaking of WildStar – F2P by the time this is is out.
MMO Community
Random Trivia: This week I learned that Tim Russ, aka Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager and a voice actor in the Secret World, was also one of the troopers in SpaceBalls, “picking” the desert.
New Drinking Game: Whenever we mention Wildstar Radio
If I Were A Dev
What level of control would you give addon content creators?
JOE: Expose interface for complete modification. Do not allow the casting of any combat abilities, except by click-per-event macros (with GCD limitation). Allow for converting to mouseover targeting
DREW: Hard-core PvP game, so obviously they would be able to edit the game client. It will be a code-to-win game…
Seriously, though,