[EdCorner from 13:13!] Enormous shout-out to all the 2nd years for running MedCamp! In-fact, we're so happy we decided to dedicate an entire EdCorner to help you catch-up! Start with some updates from the AMSS and a cheeky commentary of the rugby before deep-diving into:
Major arterial supply of the brain and how it relates to presentation!
Key facts and presentations to know
FOUR follow-at-home clinical cases
AND a bunch of resources to supplement your learning!
Whether it's interesting facts for 1st years, CBL-relevant for 2nds or nice revision for 3-6, there's something in this for everyone!
Key Resources
Blumenfeld's - Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases! (Especially chapter 10!)
GeekyMedics (Cranial Nerves) - click me!
OSCEStop - (Cranial Nerves) - click me!
TeachMeAnatomy - (Cranial Nerves) - click me!
AMBOSS - (Stroke Syndromes) - click me!
RACGP - TIA Guidelines - click me!
We forgot to mention that basal ganglia lacunar infarcts may also present with clumsy hand dysarthria syndrome! This presents differently to a hemiballismus presentation. Essentially it's all about the specific parts of the BG and how severely they're affected that will determine this certain presentation.