Wendy Carstens who runs the Koppies, and new volunteer Tamarin Scheidegger. Running Melville Koppies doesn’t mean sitting in an air-conditioned office. It means donning your blue overalls and gumboots, and pulling out weeds.
Melville Koppies is extraordinarily beautiful – a green gem in the heart of Johannesburg. You can admire the view that stretches off into the distance – or turn your back on all signs of civilization, and focus on grasses, flowers, rocks, birds, and history.
The knowledgeable guides have geology, archaeology, and history at their fingertips, as well the botany and ecology of the koppies. They are practical people, who put down carpets on the paths to limit erosion ( old carpets welcome) as well as spending hours poring over books to keep their knowledge up to date.