Two leading condominium mediators and arbitrators discuss the application, advantages and challenges of using hybrid processes to address conflict.
Marc Bhalla shares his Hannah Montana analogy to explain the different roles of a mediator and arbitrator.
Colm Brannigan speaks to how med-arb can practically apply to condominium disputes.
Both Marc and Colm speak to the pros and cons of ADR process flexibility.
Podcast presenters, the Canadian Condominium Institute and its representatives will not be held liable in any respect whatsoever for any statement or advice presented herein. These audio presentations should not be relied upon as a professional opinion or as an authoritative or comprehensive answer in any case. Professional advice should be obtained after discussing all particulars applicable in the specific circumstances in order to obtain an opinion or report capable of absolving condominium directors from liability [under s. 37 (3) (b) of the Condominium Act, 1998]. Presenters' views expressed are not necessarily those of the Canadian Condominium Institute.