Blessings of Lugh and Tailte to you and yours this Lughnasadh.
This month our producer Dillon Carlyon begins our podcast with "The Fiddler's Lament" from the Green Energy album by The Irish Experience.
Find them at:
Dillon reads from the tale The Boyhood of Fionn, by James Stephens from the book Irish Fairy Tales, 1920.
We then present The Mist Covered Mountains from the album On the Salt Sea by Henry Martin.
Tira Brandon-Evans reads Chapter 21 Times and Seasons and Weather, and the Days of the Week
from Notes of the Folklore of the Northeast of Scotland by Walter Gregor, 1881
At the last, Diana Rowan performs Grainne's Set/Glass of Beer from the Panta Rhei album, 2004.