Dr David Cleevely knows a thing or two about building businesses. A serial entrepreneur and investor, he has worked at the heart of the Cambridge Cluster on numerous ventures including telecoms consultancy Analysys, web based antibody company Abcam (ABC.L); and G femto base station company, 3WayNetworks. Abcam, which he co-founded in 1998 and was Chairman of until 2009, currently has a $1.5bn valuation - not bad for a company that starting selling antibodies door-to-door on a bike! David is the guest speaker at the launch session of the 2014/15 Enterprise Tuesday series on 4 November at the University of Cambridge's Department of Engineering. He will focus on telling the Abcam story but also look at other billion dollar companies that have come out of Cambridge. It's a good opportunity for those working in or contemplating a future in entrepreneurship to learn more about growing successful businesses.
Read more about David Cleevely » http://www.cfel.jbs.cam.ac.uk/programmes/enterprisetuesday/programme/speakers/cleevelyd.html
Find out more about Abcam » http://www.abcam.com/
Without passion you cannot succeed! Listen to this podcast with Dr David Cleevely » http://www.sms.cam.ac.uk/media/1122496
Recognising opportunities … Watch video of Dr David Cleevely and Dr Andy Richards here » http://www.sms.cam.ac.uk/media/726139
Enterprise Tuesday is a series of FREE evening lectures and networking sessions delivered by the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) which take place from November to the end of February in Cambridge. The programme aims to introduce participants to the world of business, as well as to encourage and inspire individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial ambition. It is the most popular non-assessed programme within the University and the model has been adopted by numerous other academic institutions as well as corporations.
Enterprise Tuesday is open to all University of Cambridge staff and students, members of other universities and the local business community. The series is particularly relevant for postgraduate students considering future career paths, those exploring entrepreneurial opportunities and looking to build high quality networks with experts and practitioners.
Find out more about Enterprise Tuesday at http://www.cfel.jbs.cam.ac.uk/programmes/enterprisetuesday/index.html