The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. Knowledge of the chakra system was passed down through an oral tradition by the Indo-European people. The Chakra system was traditionally an Eastern philosophy until Western authors started resonating with the idea and wrote about the chakras, expanding upon the older texts and making the knowledge more accessible. Today we have an introduction to this ancient philosophy and how we can apply it to our daily lives.
0:00 Intro
10:45 Root chakra
16:05 Sacral chakra
24:01 Solar Plexus chakra
32:15 Heart chakra
42:54 Throat chakra
54:25 Brow chakra
1:01:35 Crown chakra
1:12:23 Recap
1:14:30 Q&A
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