In light of the recent sad news of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, a lot of questions come to mind. The older I get the more I feel a little overwhelmed with the day to days of life. It’s a hamster wheel effect of geeezus is this all there is? Wash, rinse, repeat?? After getting hit with a huge unexpected car repair bill, the anxiety crept in and grabbed a hold of me for like four days. It was suffocating. Didn’t feel like be social, couldn’t focus on anything else and still I had to power through it. It made me wonder could something like finances really unhinge me into doing the unthinkable. Can the same be said for loneliness or some other bluesy feeling? Great that light is being shed on mental illness and suicide. Sad that it takes for some big name players to take their lives in order for the conversation to be one worth having. My heart goes out to anyone who is or was affected by the suicide of a loved one. Maybe it’s time we redefine “social networking” and really get social.