Today's show is a big mix of tunes. I make myself feel better by sharing a recording of some jazz greats stuffing up in front of a live audience. Plus a bunch of tunes from 1969, including Ethiopian funk! Track listing:
Oasis - Il Guardiano Del Faro (The Lighthouse keeper)
Scarborough Fair - Gershon Kingsley from album Music To Moog by
Alfonso Muskedunder - Todd Terje from It’s Album Time. I love the melody! And the clear tropical influence.
South American Getaway - Burt Bacharach. From Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid soundtrack, 1969. Thanks to Spankie Hazard for learning me about this track.
Hametegnaw - Seyoum Gebreyes and Alem-Girma Band. Out of Ethiopia. Available to purchase on iTunes off the compilation Ethiopiques vol. 24. Thanks to DJ Manchild for playing this on his show The Breakdown on PBSfm on Friday. In recent years there’s been a big movement of labels reissuing long lost African music of the 60s and 70s. This is from between 1969-75.
Moonlight Sonata - Glenn Miller. Not to be confused with Moonlight Serenade! This is using Beethoven’s work.
All the things you C# (alternate take) - Charles Mingus (Mingus at the Bohemia 1955)
Polariser - Joe Thomas
Chana's Chappy Chour with Hanna Silver airs every Monday 1pm -2pm on J Air 87.8fm. Contact Hanna at [email protected]