This is my complete but painfully fair coverage of Australian white nationalist Brent Tarrant’s terrorist attack against unarmed women and children at the is Masjidal Al Noor Mosque which was a former Christian church that had been purchased and converted into a mosque in Christchurch New Zealand. Brent Tarrant attacked one or two mosques and slaughtered 49 unarmed people.
In this post, I will provide the entire video of the event which was streamed live on Facebook. It is freely shared in what could be called the “alternative Internet." Those in the know can already find it. Millions have watched it. However, the “powers that be” have decided that “normal people” or “normies” should not have the choice to watch it. I disagree.
Sometimes when death and destruction reach a certain level and the cultural impact is great I feel it is proper to allow people to view the uncut material if they choose too. Thus I will be putting the original video of the attack and manifesto The Great Replacement at the bottom of this post. Read it and watch it if you choose. I warn everyone; it is beyond terrible to see. A man, shooting unarmed women and children as they lie bleeding out begging for help. It is beyond horrible, but if you want to see the real face of evil, then you have that option.
I am also publishing the entire Brent Tarrant manifesto titled The Great Replacement for basically the same reason. Already the lying, legacy, liberal mainstream media are twisting his words to fit their gun-grabbing, globalist anti-individual liberty narrative. They then try to deny free peoples the ability to read his words for themselves. For example, did Brent Tarrant say he liked President Trump? No, he did not.
First a little background on Brent Tarrant. Brent Tarrant is what many people and I call a “hard 14 / 88” guy. He is not German Aryan racial supremacist and national socialist, aka a NAZI, but he is a committed white nationalist and has socialists leanings. I would not call him a white supremacist. In his manifesto, he states time and time again that he doesn’t see himself as better or worse than any other racial group, including muslims as long as those groups are not in historically European countries.
In modern America, I don’t think anyone on the left can tell the difference between racists, white nationalists, white supremacists, and just conservatives anymore. The SJW Left uses the terms interchangeably calling everyone “racist” who disagrees with them. From my life long study of racist groups, Brent Tarrant is a white nationalist. He admits to being a terrorist. Thus I think it is fair to label him a White Nationalist terrorist. [Bard Note: BTW, Brent, it is not a “firefight” if you are the only one with a gun.]
We use the term 14 / 88 to refer to the 14 core words of American white supremacists/nationalists, started, I think, in the Turner Diaries but which have now spread worldwide. “We must ensure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.” Eight is the eighth letter of the alphabet, i.e. H, or Heil Hitler. Brent Tarrant, in his manifesto, rejects German, Aryan supremacist NAZIsm multiple times. But he does choose one NAZI German war song to play as he slaughters these people.
What the SJW Left is doing with its de-platform program, “change the Terms” attempts, and trying not to allow conservatives to have bank accounts or use payment processors, is encouraging the next Brent Tarrant. Hard 14 / 88 guys were already mostly purged from popular social media like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. When they are banned, they do not really disappear, they do not stop communicating, the ethnonationalists don’t change their ideas; they communicate it in other ways. I believe in the market place of ideas. The SJW Left does not.