Originally aired during NFL superbowl on Sunday February 9th, 2025. 02/09/2025
This week host @Jackgreenstalk (aka @Jack_Greenstalk on X/instagram backup account) [or contact via email: [email protected]] is joined by the always amazing panel with @spartangrown on instagram or X f.k.a. Twitter at https://x.com/grown43626 or email [email protected] for contacting spartan outside social media, any alternate profiles on other social medias using spartan's name, and photos are not actually spartan grown be aware, @TheAmericanOne on youtube aka @theamericanone_with_achenes on instagram who's amy aces can be found at amyaces.com , and ... This week we missed, @NoahtheeGrowa on instagram, @Rust.Brandon of @Bokashi Earthworks who's products can be found at bokashiearthworks.com , Matthew Gates aka @SynchAngel on instagram and twitter @Zenthanol on youtube who offers IPM direct chat for $1 a month on patreon.com/zenthanol , @drmjcoco from cocoforcannabis.com as well as youtube where he tests and reviews grow lights and has grow tutorials and @drmjcoco on instagram, and and @ATG Acres Aaron The Grower aka @atgacres his products can be found at atgacres.com and now has product commercially available in select locations in OK, view his instagram to find out details about drops!