Lakendra D. Jones, Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan yet native of Trinidad British West Indies. Three Beautiful Children, six amazing Grandchildren, and present succor. Raised by her Beloved Grandmother, Mrs. Blanche Jones, and Mother, Angela Jones, eldest daughter of two siblings maternally and second of five paternally. Hometown Grand Rapids, Michigan, migrated to West Point, Mississippi, and Atlanta, Georgia. Certified Life Coach, Hair Stylist, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, and Kingdom Ministry Leader. Survivor of divorce, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault, mental abuse, physical abuse, church hurt, and trafficking in ministry. Graduated with a GED, attended Empire School of Cosmetology and Grand Rapids Community College, and Received serval certificates in Leadership, Business, and Marketing. Residing currently in Grand Rapids, Michigan, working on her career in Ministry and Health and Wellness Leadership along with her Memoir and future developmental projects. Loves traveling and interior design.
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