This week we discuss curve balls that life consistency throws at you. One of the biggest curveballs you can face is a loved one attempting to commit suicide. Join us as we have a very heartfelt discussion, and explore our own experience with suicide. We’ve learned from very personal experience that it affects everyone in the family.
Fun curveballs - Starting something new
The challenge of learning something new - bridges aren’t built in a day
Learning how to handle the unexpected “curve balls” of low
Two people very close to us trying to hurt themselves even trying to commit suicide
The assumption they are doing it to hurt others.
Judie’s struggle with depression - not able to control internal anger and irritability
Feeling like you failed as a parent
Get outside help - therapy, counseling, direction
Jody’s first experience with suicide - the death of his uncle
We have to be willing to have the discussion
There may be accusations, self-doubt and guilt
Extend the arm of love not a fist
Some can’t fathom they are worthy of love
We need to be gentle, kind, patient and full of grace to each
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