1. Seeing God’s Holiness:
Isaiah’s vision revealed God’s unmatched holiness and glory. How does having a clearer picture of God’s holiness impact the way you approach Him in prayer, worship, or daily life?
2. Responding to Conviction:
Isaiah confessed his unclean lips and was cleansed by God’s grace. Have you ever experienced a moment when God’s holiness revealed an area in your life that needed change? How did you respond, and what did you learn from that experience?
3. Empowered by the Spirit:
Holiness is not something we can attain on our own but through the power of the Holy Spirit. In what ways have you experienced the Spirit helping you overcome sin or empowering you to witness?
4. Living Out the Call to Holiness:
Isaiah responded to God’s call by saying, “Here I am. Send me.” What does living a life of holiness look like in your daily context (home, work, community)? How can you step into the opportunities God is calling you to this week?