Considering mail order pharmacy? I’m Annette Leonard of find me on Instagram
When I was researching this question, I found the 6-8 mail order pharmacies that I thought best fit my needs and developed a list of questions to call and ask each pharmacy. I put the answers in a spreadsheet to see things visually to be able to rate and rank the options. Prior to choosing a mail order pharmacy, think about what your deal breakers are: timeliness? shipping speed?
My questions were:
Do you auto-renew and send medications every 28 or 84 days?
When a script is out of refills, do you contact my doctor for a new prescription? In enough time for my prescription not to lapse?
What about Schedule II meds like Fentanyl and Norco that need a new prescription every time, do you fill those? How would you help me ensure there isn't a lapse between prescriptions?
How long does it take for you to get me my meds? (best- and worst-case scenario)
What’s the upside of using your service?
What’s the downside of using your service?
How do I transfer all my current prescriptions to you? How do you make that easy for me?
When can I reach you?
How do you contact me if there are problems or questions?
Do you fill prescriptions in 30/60/90 increments?
Anything else it would be helpful to know?
These are the pharmacies I included in my research: Amazon, Select RX, BlinkHealth, and Wegman's.
In the end, I didn't chose to use mail order. I found only one company who would send Schedule II meds, several told me that they were having availability issues with some of my medications, very few were reachable over the weekend and shipping took 7-10 days.
What about you? Are you doing this? Right now I only investigated options that take insurance, but it might be worth doing an examination of the mail order companies that don't. Has this worked out for you? What company are you using? Why do/don't you use mail order pharmacy?
I’m Annette Leonard of find me on Instagram
About a year ago my pharmacy closed. I was ill-equipped for how disruptive this change was going to be. From none of my prescriptions transferring over automatically, to the new pharmacy hours, to how poor their communication is, there are a myriad of ongoing hassles that have been so frustrating in ways that I don't think many of my peers can relate to or understand.
I get one prescription by mail. It's made me wonder whether I should get all my perceptions by mail? I spent several months researching. I didn't have any knowledge about mail order pharmacy. For those of us on anything more than 2 meds a day, I think mail order is worth considering. Especially for those who have difficulty filling their pill box, it's worth knowing that there are ways for those to be auto-filled, pre-packaged, pre-dosed, pill packs.
There are a lot of variables to consider from price and availability to shipping times and other considerations. I'll talk about my exploration in my next video.
**I have a new mini-course I'm finishing about how to unlock the power of your next doctor appointment*** the first 50 people get FREE enrollment. Sign up here
This is the Chronic Wellness Podcast. I'm Annette Leonard, speaker, coach, and sick person who believes that my illnesses do not define me. If health is the absence of disease and wellness is the presence of wholeness, then no matter what your disease status, we can work toward your wellness, your wholeness.
Whether or not you are ever "healthy" on paper, you can be well. Join me and others on the path back to wholeness at Whether you are a person experiencing chronic illness or are someone who loves or serves people with chronic illness I have great resources here on this channel or on my website for you.