What does it mean to be the Church?
What does it mean to be the Church at Work?
Beginning November 7th, 2019, we are going to be launching a brand new podcast called the Church At Work Podcast.
With this podcast, we are going to attempt to answer these questions and start a conversation around this idea of being the Church at Work in this world that we live in.
We are going to break down the theological perspective on being a part of the communities we live in as well as the missional aspect of the church at work.
Join Rev. Drew Shelley each week as talk with those who are out in our communities to lend their perspective on this important conversation.
We hope the Church At Work Podcast can be a valuable tool in starting these conversations in your own church communities, whatever they look like.
Episodes will release Thursdays beginning November 7th and will be available on apple podcasts, Stitcher, Tune In Radio, or wherever you listen to podcasts.