The Ugly Christmas Sweater Series!
"Joyeux Noël" in French is translated "Merry Christmas" in English. It comes from the Old French "Noël", which is based on the Latin word, natalis, which means "birth". In fact, natalis dies literally means "birth day." You can see the root for "nativity", "neonatal", and even the name "Natalie" in the Latin word natalis.
What's with the excercise in etymology? Words. Words have meaning and power. They are meant to. Words can inspire, express love, make promises, build nations, and even empower the destiny of humanity. Think on this: Christmas, is all about the reality of THE Word - "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us ..." (John 1:14)
Therefore, we must be careful, judicious, loving, and generous with our words. Ugly Christmas sweaters are fun to have in the closet, but ugly words should not be coming out of the disciple's mouths. Watch Nathan's message, then come back and listen to this conversation of choice words between Nathan and Sean!
▶️ Nate's Message on YouTube:
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