A 2019 CIO Summit podcast featuring interviews with 10 CIOs and business technology leaders at the annual gathering revealed the themes of innovation, leadership, cyber security, and why all CIOs and CTOs need to care about sustainability and the climate crisis as the subjects which most resonated with CIO speakers and delegates.
Speaking with CIO UK’s Thomas Macauley and Scott Carey to debrief the day’s agenda, SGN Director of IT & Innovation Andrew Quail, Shell Energy CIO Clare Patterson, HealthUnlocked CTO Joe McFadden, University of Exeter Chief Information and Digital Officer Alan Hill, News Corp CIO for Global Operations Sabah Carter, Simply Business CTO Hasani Jess, Imperial College Director of ICT Sonja Browning-Page, Millfield School Director of IT Gary Henderson, CIO 100 judge and independent NED Christine Ashton, and Ayodele Odunlami, a business analyst at Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust spoke about sustainability, cyber security, innovation, leadership and transformation initiatives at their organisations.
Andrew Quail, SGN Director Director of IT & Innovation [1min 49sec]
Clare Patterson, Shell Energy CIO, and Ayodele Odunlami, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust business analyst [5min 01sec]
Joe McFadden, HealthUnlocked CTO [8min 22sec]
Alan Hill, University of Exeter Chief Information and Digital Officer [10min 25sec]
Sabah Carter, News Corp CIO,Global Operations CIO [11min 54sec]
Hasani Jess, Simply Business CTO [13min 59sec]
Sonja Browning-Page, Imperial College Director of ICT [16min 15sec]
Gary Henderson, Millfield School Director of IT [18min 31sec]
Christine Ashton, CIO 100 judge and independent NED [22min 38sec]