Todays Guest: @jessicaleeblack
Hosts: emilyknight_ & @jessicaleeblack
How to make choices no matter the circumstances! Transform your life with forgiveness + acceptance. Get clarity on how to live out your PERFECT DAY! Real talk with Jessica Lee Black.
Embracing the struggle and never backing down, experiences are so POWERFUL, but how do you use them to your advantage? Nothing happens easily! You need to be uncomfortable as everything has its process. One tool Jessica Lee Black used to lay out a path to her calling was the PERFECT DAY exercise.
IMPLEMENT over INFORMATION here and be one baby step closer to what you really want for your life.
Reflection questions to get clear on living the life of your dreams!
How do you want every day to look?
How do you want to feel every day?
What do I want to create daily?
Who do I want to spend time with?
Where do I want to go or explore?
What passions do I want to be fulfilling?
Take all of these questions together and add it into your perfect day! By the hour, go by what resonates with you. By the time you wake up, what you drink, what things smell like, look like and feel like. Literally everything you want in your perfect day so be in this itinerary you’re writing for yourself! The more specific the easier to visualise this and make it REAL.
If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! Follow @thecircleofimpact and @jessicaleeblack to get more of a taste on the “HOW” in changing your life!